Pilot: Student News Desk

Todd Porter, of TP Creative Arts, invited me to work with him to produce a pilot series of student ‘news desk’ episodes for the local/national high school student leadership and employment training and advocacy organization Jobs for Arizona’s Graduates, or JAG. We shot hours and hours of footage with the students and staff, in the…

The Policing Project

From the Policing Project website: “Our visit to Phoenix raised a number of important questions on the role of advisory boards that we will continue to explore throughout the study. How can advisory boards most effectively relay information to broader communities? To what degree does organizing these boards into discrete groups by identity foster cohesion?…

Urban Heat Islands

Super informative story here about urban heat issues, mini-satellite science, and climate change education. [Production and Camera credits, including video rough cut, motion graphics]

“Hate in America” documentary wins RFK Journalism award

https://cronkite.asu.edu/news-and-events/news/cronkites-news21-wins-rfk-award-hate-america-project Last year, News 21 – the national yearly investigative reporting project from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism – spent seven and a half months researching, investigating, and documenting hate crime and hate groups in America. The first four months were spent at our respective schools – 40 students from around the country and…

How Our Lives Depend on Others’

Researchers study the regenerative powers of the gila monster, and the Catalyst team talks with folks who could benefit from such virtues. Camera and audio credit

Wildlife Migration Corridors Across the Border

Arizona PBS science television show Catalyst started their second season with great stories on autism, wildlife migration corridors, acoustic ecology lab, and more. The story on wildlife migration corridors took our team down to the Mexican state of Sonora, just south of the US/Mexico border, to document a team of ASU researchers gathering data for…

A Conversation with Sueanna

Sueanna Wilson is an only child, who birthed thirteen children – eight girls, five boys. Here’s a conversation with her about family, children, and other stuff.

Television magic

Visual storytelling requires skills invisible to the viewer. So I’m learning. For instance, can you tell how many separate ‘shots’ this 39-second piece required (or how many treats my two actors received)? Before going to the Cronkite School, I wouldn’t even have ‘seen’ separate shots. I would have seen one long sequence. Snack-Time from Danny…